
Final Presentations

Aerial Ropeway in a World Heritage Environment Project
I believe our group made a great great result for this project which should satisfy our clients' need.   For this presentation,we take about 4 parts includes history, environment, our client and our project.   According to video, we point out 6 clear needs. Then we take about our project how to connect client needs. Our presentation is really clear and easy to understand. But our video is little bit too long. Also russell mention we need to put more tree on lanscape. 

Driving Machine Project
They did really good for knowledge capture. But they get fail for client satisfaction, i did get point what client need. Some people need to improve speaking skill, i totally did not get what he want to say. But really surprise about playing part. But as my point, the car model too simply and fuzziness.

Marker Project
For the their presentation, they did really good for knowledge capture, but they get fail for client satisfaction and repeatability. To be honest, i like their design and thinking which is really good. This design is not legal in Australia, because it can not put light near highway which can effect traffic light.
Oculus Project
They did outstanding presentation which is well thoughtout, cohesive and well planned. They explain full process and why. Also they did really good for client satisfaction. I like the model they did and texture about model. 

Virtual Museum Project
I think they do really good for presentation. The ipad model is really impress me, but it is little bit diffcult to play.
Every member explained their part perfectly. For their project they should create a virtual museum in UE4. But they did not use UE4 which effect quality of model.


Week 13 Final Animation

Final Katoomba Aerial Ropeway Animation 

Week 12 Adding tree and sky


Before adding trees in terrain, we need to adjust the scale of trees.
Because tree look to light, i also need to add constant box to material and change number to negative.

i also add skylight it make landscape more realistic. but i still continue work on sky. i want it show cloud and sky

Week 11 Making texture for Terrain

The video below is real helpful for making own lanscape texture

 Unreal Engine 4 Materials 2 Creating a Basic Material

Unreal Engine 4 Materials 3 Adding Textures to a Material 


Week 10 Group Presentation——Remuneration

Meaning of Remuneration:
Remuneration’ in other terms also called as ‘Employee Compensation’ which an employee receives in return for his or her contribution to the organization.

Objectives Of Employee Remuneration
Attract capable employees to the organization. 
Motivate them toward superior performance. 
Retainment of their services over an extended period of time. 

Factors Determining Pay rates
Internal factor, External factor and Pay rates

External Factors:
-Demand – Supply
-Cost of living
-Bargaining power of  unions
-Labor rates
-Condition of product market
-Comparative wage
-Government policy


Other Individual Differences
-Worker’s Capacity and Age
-Educational qualification
-Work experience
-Promotion possibilities
-Stability of employment
-Demand for product

-Hazards involved in work etc.

Classification of Remuneration

Direct Remuneration
Salary :
- Fixed compensation for services, paid to a employee on a regular basis.

- Many salaries also include such employee benefits as health and life insurance, savings plans, etc.

Wages :
- Payment for labor or services to a worker, especially remuneration on an hourly, daily, or weekly basis or 
          by the piece.

- Wages are paid on the basis of Minimum Wages Act, 1948 and Fair wage. 

Financial Incentives

Non-financial Incentives

-Job Security
-Pride in Job
-Delegation of Responsibility
-Quick Promotion
-Facilities for Development
-Labor Welfare Amenities

Non-financial Remuneration
-Challenging job
-Growth prospect
-Job Sharing
-Congenial working condition

Week 9 Create landscape in Unreal Engine 4

These are 3 ways to create landscape  in Unreal Engine 4.
1: Direct create landscape in UE4

2: Create landscape in Sketchup and import to UE4

3: Create landscape in GeoControl2 and import to UE4


Week 8 Free Content Research

Last week i find some free content package in chinese website.I download it, and try to import to Unreal Engine 4. 

I do a lot research how to import to Unreal Engine 4. It is take few hour i finally know how to import to Unreal Engine 4.

1) Open Unreal Engine and Create New Project Layer
2) Create New Folder (Called Countryside) In Left Bottom 

3) Click Import Bottom And Import Content Floder Pop Up

4) Recreate Countryside Folder and Open Folder

5) Copy Download Countryside file to New Countryside Folder

6)Then All Files Show In Unreal Engine 4

7)Open Mesh File And Select/Drag Tree To Display Window

This week i went to French Forest Graphsoft office to get file from Shaun. Then i create a Dropbox account upload all 3D max file.

Week 7 Research Free/Cheap Geometry And Presentation Notes

My task for this week is doing research free/cheap geometry.

(Free Geometry From UE4)
Open World Demo Collection
Mixamo Animation Pack        
Game Texture Material Pack 
Scifi Hallway                          
Substance Atlantis                
Animation Starter Pack         
Kinect 4 Unreal Introduction  
Kenney.nl Platformer             
Allegorithmic Gynoid             
Xoio Berlin Flat                      

(Cheap Geometry From UE4) - can use in Aerial Ropeway Enviroment 
Real Rocks Vol. 1                   
Background Mountains           
Low Poly Foliage Jungle Pack
Country Side                           
Landscape Material Pack       

I find it is really hard to find suitable free or cheap geomertry in UE4 marketplace. Then i try search online to find free content package. Finally i get 4 free content package in chinese website after few hour search.

Remuneration Exercise (20 PRESENTATION)
Explain the concept in a general way but relate it to the project
Come up with:
-Priority list
-Time frame
-Break down to different/crucial roles.
-Understand over heads (you may be paid 40/hour but the company may charge out more/-
insurance etc) CHARGE OUT RATE.
Generally, look at variables (eg change of direction half way through: Give example through case
Give VALUE to the work you are doing
Cost estimate/quote
How many hours it’ll take
What sort of costs -Not just a blanket hourly rate
Key Aspects of project
Fabrication (all different rates)
General notes on other presentations from Russell
Specificity is KEY and make sure to connect to our project. This is crucial.
In a collaboration each member should know what their crucial roles are.

I contact last year  Aerial Ropeway group to get last year model continue work on environment.

Last year group has 5 group member.
Shaun Taylor 
Reina Bautista
Roschelle Gonzales
Jesharelah Alayan Yolola
Paul Zcc

Reina Bautista: Her hard drive was corrupted, so she lost all files.
Roschelle Gonzales: She don't have file anymore.
Jesharelah Alayan Yolola:She put all files in a USB but she can't find it。
Paul Zcc:He didn't reply my message.
Shaun Taylor: He is only person still have all files. Files is too big, so he need time to upload.

Week 6 Mid Semester Break

Creating a quick Unreal Engine 4 desert scene

Creating a quick Unreal Engine 4 forest scene 

Creating a quick Unreal Engine 4 Cave Entrance Scene  

Creating a quick Unreal Engine 4 Mountain environment 


During the mid semester break, i watch some unreal engine 4 tutorial. After i watch all tutorial i have better understanding about Unreal Engine 4. Comparing Cryengine and Unreal Engine 4, Unreal Engine 4 is more realistic and powerful. Last video, i think we can use to create blue mountain environment.

Week 5 Site Visit And Notes


i got some research information below website links                                       http://infobluemountains.net.au/rail/ksr/kat_tram.htm 

Site Visit Image