My task for this week is doing research free/cheap geometry.
(Free Geometry From UE4)
Open World Demo Collection
Mixamo Animation Pack
Game Texture Material Pack
Scifi Hallway
Substance Atlantis
Animation Starter Pack
Kinect 4 Unreal Introduction Platformer
Allegorithmic Gynoid
Xoio Berlin Flat
Real Rocks Vol. 1
Background Mountains
Low Poly Foliage Jungle Pack
Country Side
Landscape Material Pack
I find it is really hard to find suitable free or cheap geomertry in UE4 marketplace. Then i try search online to find free content package. Finally i get 4 free content package in chinese website after few hour search.
Remuneration Exercise (20 PRESENTATION)
Explain the concept in a general way but relate it to the project
Come up with:
-Priority list
-Time frame
-Break down to different/crucial roles.
-Understand over heads (you may be paid 40/hour but the company may charge out more/-
insurance etc) CHARGE OUT RATE.
Generally, look at variables (eg change of direction half way through: Give example through case
Give VALUE to the work you are doing
Cost estimate/quote
How many hours it’ll take
What sort of costs -Not just a blanket hourly rate
Key Aspects of project
Fabrication (all different rates)
General notes on other presentations from Russell
Specificity is KEY and make sure to connect to our project. This is crucial.
In a collaboration each member should know what their crucial roles are.
I contact last year Aerial Ropeway group to get last year model continue work on environment.
Last year group has 5 group member.
Shaun Taylor
Reina Bautista
Roschelle Gonzales
Jesharelah Alayan Yolola
Paul Zcc
Reina Bautista: Her hard drive was corrupted, so she lost all files.
Roschelle Gonzales: She don't have file anymore.
Jesharelah Alayan Yolola:She put all files in a USB but she can't find it。
Paul Zcc:He didn't reply my message.
Shaun Taylor: He is only person still have all files. Files is too big, so he need time to upload.